Team Meetings
Meetings are an integral part of a team's operations. Teamside gives you the structure and workflow to run high quality meetings, every time.
What do you bring to your meetings?
Meetings feed on information. Whether that's an agenda of topics in a 1:1, or ideas surfaced in a team retro, having good organization of your meeting inputs will get things off to a good start. Teamside makes it easy to get information into meetings, and provides structured input for meetings that require it, such as entering your daily standup status, or gathering 360 feedback for performance checkins.
Stick with the plan
Almost all meetings have a structure and benefit from facilitation. Teamside's automated meeting facilitation works for you to keep your meetings running according to plan, regardless of the meeting type. In topic-driven meetings, Teamside makes sure the important items are discussed. In status meetings or decision-making meetings, you can be sure everyone's voice will be heard. You can even define a schedule and Teamside will hold you to it.
What happens in meetings...
…shouldn't stay in meetings! Too often, things that are discussed in meetings and decisions that are made are left there on the table, lost forever. With Teamside, your meetings generate outcomes, assign accountability for actions, and create visibility to ensure that your meetings have real, lasting value.